Feroze Khan managed to make the headlines once again with his viral lip-lock picture with his four-year-old son, Muhammad Sultan Khan. The picture received a lot of negative comments and users went wild over this intimate picture calling it more creepy than cute.

Where the intimate father-son moment photograph quickly triggered diverse reactions from his followers, some viewers also found the act endearing and genuine, applauding Khan’s open display of love for his child. Among them is our very own star, Mathira. She showed her support and shamed all the trolls for depicting this pure love moment as disturbing.

She schooled,

So many disgusting comments on a pure father and son relationship. Shame on the society ! Pls leave the kid alone ! Kissing ur kid on the lips is normal so stop mixing it with ur trashy nonsense in ur mind ! Stop hurting people ! Stay blessed feroz and the little one is adorable ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ! U stay strong 🫶 @ferozekhan